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How to find GUID From MSI File

Typically (though not universally) if a piece of software uses MSI-based installation the GUID can be found in the Uninstall entry. It will usually either be the key name or will appear in the UninstallString and/or UninstallPath value. Sometimes life is easy and there is a ProductGuid value.

Uninstall entries can be found here:


On a 64-bit version of Windows there are two such keys, one for 64-bit software and a second for 32-bit software:


Setting up Windows Server 2012 RADIUS and Sonicwall NSA – error “RADIUS communication error”

When trying to setup Windows server 2012 RADIUS server – NPS to work with Sonicwall NSA appliance you will receive and error “RADIUS communication error” when testing RADIUS settings in Sonicwall NSA appliance. Do not use the generated key from Server 2012 interface. It is too long for the Sonicwall management to accept it. I only used first 15 characters of the key and deleted the rest.

Add printer in Windows 7 as administrator

This procedure will enable you to “Run As ” when installing a printer to windows 7

1.       Control Panel – Administrative Tools

2.       Shift + Right-click on Print Management

3.       Select “Run as different user”

4.      ” Login as local administrator” and current administrator password

5.       Expand Print Servers, expand local pc

6.       Right-click on Printers

7.       Select “Add Printer…”

8.       Continue the normal procedure to add a printer

HiSense Chromebook 11 battery doesn’t charge

I just noticed the battery on my HiSense Chromebook 11 doesn’t charge anymore. The little light next to the power cable is just blinking red on the chromebook.

I tried these steps to fix the issue:

  • Unplug the laptop.
  • remove all of the small screws.
  • Gently ‘pop’ the edges of the laptop’s cover open. They have tiny clips around the outside.
  • As you remove the cover, do it slowly.
  • Locate the small connecting wire between the battery and the motherboard.
  • Unplug this connection. It’s small and delicate,
  • plug the power supply back in to the laptop and turn the power on. Leave the laptop itself turned off, just supply it some power. Don’t touch anything inside the laptop This step is to get the laptop detect the is no battery connected.
  • Wait around 30 seconds. The LED for the battery indicator should change to red. The Chromebook is stating that it can’t find the battery.
  • Turn the power back off again.
  • Plug the battery connection back in to the motherboard
  • Put the cover back on, gently clipping it back in to place.
  • Plug the laptop back in once more and turn it on. Boot it up.
  • Hopefully, it should now be charging,
  • If this doesn’t fix it you will need a new battery or use it as a desktop PC

What to do if your Surface screen turns yellow

Encrypt your drive using BitLocker with no TPM module

type “gpedit.msc” into the Run dialog box, and press Enter.

Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > BitLocker Drive Encryption > Operating System Drives in the left pane.

Double-click the “Require additional authentication at startup” option in the right pane.

Select “Enabled” at the top of the window, and ensure the “Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM

Close the window

There is no need to reboot. You can encrypt your drive now.

Windows 10 Control Panel MS Office 2016 Mail Icon error “Application Not Found”

Today I was working on a computer where opening the Mail Icon in the Control Panel just showed error “Application Not Found”. I removed MS Office 2016 and reinstalled it and it did not fix the issue. I had to go to Control Panel – Programs and click on MS Office 2016 and then select change and repair. It asked me if I want to do online repair so it can download needed files. It took a long time but this fixed the issue. Mail icon in the Control Panel will now open again with no error.

Resetování hesla do Windows Vista, 7 a 8

Resetování hesla do Windows Vista, 7 a 8

1) Nabootujte pocítac z instalacního DVD Windows Vista, 7 nebo 8.

2) Po nabootování vyberte Oprava systému a následne Príkazový rádek (konzoli).

3) V príkazovém rádku prejdete na disk (oddíl), kde máte nainstalovaná Windows.

Pojmenování písmen nemusí být shodné s disky ve Windows, takže napr. disk C muže být oznaceno jako E:. Prepínat se mezi disky mužete jednoduše zadáním písmeno, dvojtecka a enter, napr.: E:

Jak zjistit, jestli jste na disku (oddílu) s Windows? Pomocí príkazu dir si nechte vypsat obsah aktuálního adresáre.

4) Dostante se do složky:


Do adresáre lze vstoupit zadáním cd název_adresáre (cd, mezera a název složky), vystoupit o úroven výš mužete pomocí cd.. (cd a dve tecky).

5) Prejmenujte soubor utilman.exe zadáním:

REN utilman.exe utilman.exe.old

6) Vytvorte nový utilman.exe zkopírováním cmd.exe:

copy cmd.exe utilman.exe

7) Restartujte pocítat, vytáhnete DVD z mechaniky a nechce spustit Windows.

8) Až Windows nabehnou, tak na prihlašovací obrazovce vlevo dole najdete ikonu Snadný prístup (Usnadnení / Ease To Access), klepnete na ní.

9) Vyberte spuštení Príkazové rádky (konzola).

10) A následujícím príkazem nastavte nové prihlašovací heslo ke svému úctu:

net user prihlašovací_jméno nové_heslo

Napr.: net user Marek abc12345

1) V okne príkazového rádku zadejte príkaz copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\ a príkaz potvrdte stiskem klávesy Enter.

2) Dále zadejte príkaz copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe a poté stisknete klávesu Enter.

3) Nyní okno príkazového rádku zavrete a restartujte pocítac. Na prihlašovací obrazovce pak petkrát stisknete klávesu Shift. Vzápetí se objeví okno príkazového rádku.

4) Do okna príkazového rádku zadejte príkaz net user . Retezec nahradte svým uživatelským jménem a retezec pak nahradte novým heslem.

5) Okno príkazového rádku zavrete a prihlaste se do systému pomocí výše zadaného nového hesla.

Windows 10 – OneDrive won’t start or will not install

Today I was working on a computer and OneDrive would not open. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it did not fix the issue. Until i tried this

On your keyboard hit Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog and type: gpedit.msc and hit Enter to open Local Group Policy Editor.
Next navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\OneDrive. In the right panel, double click Prevent the usage of OneDrive for File Storage.
Then here instead of selecting Enabled I selected not configured, and saved my changes. This fixed my problem and I was able to open OneDrive again

Which model of Raspberry Pi do I have ?

Which model of Raspberry Pi do I have ?


Login to Raspberry Pi and run this command in the terminal

Method #1

cat /proc/device-tree/model


Method #2

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'Revision' | awk '{print $3}'


the command will return the revision of your CPU – check this table

enter image description here